3 Ways to Get an ADHD Diagnosed in the UK: The Pros and Cons.
There are three main ways that you can go about getting an ADHD diagnosed in the UK - through the traditional NHS route, via Right to Choose, or by going privately. Each of these have their own pros and cons, which it's important to consider before making a decision. In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at each of these options and help you decide which is the best for you.
3 ADHD Diagnosis Pathways
Traditional NHS Route
NHS Right to Choose
Private Diagnosis
Traditional NHS Route
The traditional NHS route for getting an ADHD diagnosis can be a long and frustrating process. It often involves being put on a waiting list and then going through a series of tests and assessments. However, it is free to use this service, so it's worth considering if you're on a tight budget.
- Free to use
- May be a more thorough process
- you don't have to pay for any tests or assessments
- Can be a long and frustrating process
- Often involves being put on a waiting list
- No choice of who will diagnose you, and you may be seen by more than one person
NHS Right to Choose
Right to Choose is a new initiative in England that allows patients to choose their own ADHD diagnosis and treatment. This can be a great option if you're looking for a quicker and easier way to get diagnosed. However, it's important to note that this service is only available to residents in England. For my complete step-by-step guide on Right to Choose, click here.
- You can choose the provider you see, which means you can get a diagnosis from someone who is experienced in diagnosing ADHD.
- The process is usually quicker than going through the traditional NHS route.
- It's free to use this service.
- There is a limited number of providers available.
- You may have to travel some distance to see the provider you choose.
- Most providers will only see you online (a pro for some but not for others!).
Private Diagnosis
Private diagnosis is the most expensive option, but it can also be the quickest and easiest way to get an ADHD diagnosis. If you go down this route, you'll be able to choose your own doctor and have the entire process done in one visit. However, it's important to make sure that you find a reputable and experienced doctor who specializes in ADHD diagnosis.
- Can be quicker and easier than going through the NHS route
- May be more thorough and accurate than other methods
- Gives you more control over your own treatment and care
- Can be expensive
- You may have to pay for ongoing treatments and support yourself
- You may not be eligible for certain benefits or support if you go private
So, which is the best option for you? Ultimately, it depends on your individual circumstances. If you can afford it and you're looking for a quick and easy way to get diagnosed, private diagnosis may be the best option for you. However, if you're on a budget or you want to be sure that you're getting the best possible care, the traditional NHS route may be a better choice. Whichever option you choose, make sure to do your research and talk to your doctor to ensure that you're making the best decision for your needs.
What to Prepare
Before getting an ADHD diagnosis, there are a few things you'll need to prepare. Here are three of the most important things to keep in mind.
First, you'll need to gather as much information as possible about your symptoms. Make a list of all the ways that ADHD has impacted your life, both in the past and in the present. This will be helpful for your doctor when making a diagnosis. You can take my ADHD Self-Screener to check your symptoms by clicking here.
Second, you'll need to be prepared for some testing. This may include psychological testing, educational testing, and physical exams. This is all done in order to rule out other conditions that could be causing your symptoms.
Finally, you'll need to be prepared to discuss your treatment options with your doctor. There are a variety of different treatments for ADHD, so it's important that you and your doctor discuss which one is right for you.
If you're considering getting an ADHD diagnosis, make sure to keep these three things in mind. With proper preparation, you can be sure that you're making the best decision for your needs. If you would like help with this process - you can book in a Power Hour with me to get all your questions answered!
Do you have any experience with getting an ADHD diagnosis in the UK? Share your story in the comments below!