Access to work for ADHD
Applies to UK residents only.
What is Access to Work?
ADHD has been recognised by the UK Government as a mental health condition that can interfere with work performance. The Access to Work program offers grants up to £62,900 per annum for people who are diagnosed and need help getting back into their jobs or staying on track in their existing job.
What’s more, the cost of ADHD Coaching is covered by the grant! Scroll down to find out more.
What does Access to Work cover?
An Access To Work grant can provide funding for practical support with your work. See below for the generic list they provide:
Support and equipment in your workplace.
Adapting equipment to make it easier for you to use.
Money towards any extra travel costs or to adapt your vehicle.
An interpreter or other support at a job interview if you have difficulty communicating.
Other practical help at work, such as a job coach or a note taker or lip speaker.
The following are accommodations that people with ADHD have successfully asked for (from ADHD UK and my clients):
ADHD Coaching
Virtial Assistant
Noise cancelling headphones
Significant workplace support (a recent substantial award ADHD UK heard of was someone to help with the filing aspects of a job. The award was a half full-time equivalent (so 2.5 days a week) to come in and assist in filing.
So what’s the process?
You will be required fill out an application, go through a process that assesses your needs for support in order determine how much assistance they can offer; if accepted into the program then you should be offered assistance to create a workplace support plan. This might include:
flexible working patterns
a mentor for additional support
additional time to complete certain tasks
additional work related training
regular managerial meetings to chat through your ADHD concerns
phased return to work (e.g. reduced hours, different work pattern or fewer days)
Am I eligible?
This may be a surprise to some, but according the Mental Health Act (1990), ADHD is considered an eligible mental health condition. This means that if you have been diagnosed and are looking for support through Access To Work then you apply.
To take advantage of this Access to Work, you must fulfil the following five criteria:
Have a physical or mental health condition or disability that means you need support to do your job or get to and from work.
Under 16’s are not eligible to apply or have someone over 18 apply for them.
Be in paid work (or be about to start or return to paid work in the next 12 weeks), even when working from home.
This can include either employed or self-employed.
You cannot get Access to Work if you live in the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man. There’s also a different system in Northern Ireland
There are different criteria for job interview support, which you can find on this dedicated government webpage.
Please note that Access to Work is an ongoing programme by the Department for Work and Pensions. This means you can access support for up to three years before your situation is reviewed.
How do I apply?
Surprise surprise! The application process isn’t particularly ADHD friendly, but not impossible! See below for two options.
Apply Yourself
Find a good friend, partner or colleague to help you through the process as it’s quite long and takes some time to complete. But if you are in the mood to take on the challenge yourself click the button below where you can check your eligibility and to fill in an application.
Or Abi can help!
Well, I have a fantastic colleague called Abi Smith who runs Reinforce Potential, an organisation that supports ADHDers with their Access to Work applications. She is the perfect advocate for you and can maximise the success of your application.
What happens next?
Once you have completed your Access to Work application. Check your email for a confirmation of completion and make a note of 12 weeks from then - some people have reported longer wait times. Give Access to Work a call at 12 weeks if you have not heard back.
After 12 week wait, you will be contacted by an Access To Work assessor. Please note, assessors tend to be employees of contractors to the UK government to provide Access to Work assessment.
Next, you’ll have an interview (its more of an informal chat) about your individual work circumstances, what you do in your job and how your condition(s) affects your work. These discussion all help the assessor decide the best support to offer you and what they will fund.
If you are employed (not self employed), your assigned assessor might need to speak to your employer. They may also ask to view/visit your workplace environment.
Please be aware that any funding from Access to Work needs to be approved first and your employer generally pays first and then gets reimbursed.
With ADHD Coaching, you tend to pay first and then get rein-bused.